Thanks for keeping this game true to history. We have to rejoice and thank God for the good days and let Him help us thru the bad/sad. History when you look back isn't always pretty, but it's real. Only 2 more hours and this day will end, but the tears have already flowed more than once. Today is the anniversary of my 1st husband's murder in fact. I grew up without realizing most kids don't have Presidents and Governors as great great grandpas and such, so they don't overhear the adults sharing stories about that kind of ♥♥♥♥. Roebuck fell off his pony and broke his leg. Taylor (Kentucky 1899), telling a story when I was a child, about the day she and her hubby were at the polo match where Mr. I remember my great aunt, who's father was Gov. Seriously, some people question my sanity when they hear my dark humor. I can talk about my family history and probably offend everyone at the same time politically.

Taylor's daughter, married Jefferson Davis who after her death (and another marriage for him) became President of the Confederacy, which became the Democratic Party.

This could be due to the program being discontinued, having a security issue or for some other reason. He was from the Whig party, which today is the Republican party. Windows Games Role Playing Ara: History Untold Ara: History Untold for Windows Paid In English V varies-with-devices 4.7 (0) This download is no longer available.